- Øresundsbron
As an ØresundBUSINESS customer you have access to iTICKET
Buy iTICKETiTICKET simplifies your administration
An electronic ticket that can be used to cross the Øresund Bridge at contract price. Your iTICKET is valid for one year from the date of issue. If you are travelling round trip across the bridge, you need two iTICKETs.
It simplifies administration. All information entered at the time of booking will appear on your invoice/specification.
Enter your license plate number when you book your iTicket and drive quickly and easily through the toll station using the green lanes.
iTICKETs can also be sent by text message or printed. Drive in one of the blue lanes in the toll station and scan the barcode/QR code when you get to the barrier.
Save money with a ØresundBUSINESS contract
Save money on all your trips across Øresund with an ØresundBUSINESS contract. You can have an unlimited number of active license plate numbers and bizzes linked to your contract, and you can move bizzes between vehicles regardless of vehicle type.
We read the license plate and bizzes automatically - just drive through the toll station without stopping.