A lorry with the words "SOS Trans" drives over the Øresund bridge under a clear blue sky.


  • Unlimited numbers of active license plate numbers and bizzes connected to your contract. You can move bizzes between vehicles regardless of vehicle type.

  • We automatically scan your license plate number so you can pass through the toll station without stopping.

  • Choose to pay by payment card or invoice.


Do you have employees who commute?

The ØresundCOMMUTER contract means you as an employer pay the lowest commuter prices for your employees. You can also get all your employees' trips on the same invoice.

Go to ØresundCOMMUTER business

More about the contract

  • The contract can be canceled at any time, with 30 days' notice at the end of the month. You can cancel your contract under My account.

  • ØresundBUSINESS may not be used as a reseller contract for passenger cars B2C.

iTICKET for a flexible trip

Do you want to simplify the administration process? Use the electronic tick-ets iTICKET as a means of payment when passing through the Øresund bridge's toll station. All you need to do is scan the QR code.

Read more about iTiCKET