The legal entity responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S
HUB1, 6. sal
Kay Fiskers Plads 10
DK-2300 København S
Phone: + 46(0)40 676 60 00
Email: kontakt@oresundsbron.com
Business registration number: 24246787


We use your personal data for the following purposes:

Provision of services

Personal data is used by us to enable Øresundsbro Konsortiet’s provision of your requested services, to provide you with optimized support and to communicate with you and inform about the services as well as to keep your personal data up to date. We also use the personal data that is required to fulfill your agreements with other issuers of means of payment (bizz or vehicle registration number) or operators of other toll roads. Business customers who have a specific agreement that involves route information through a certain technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic are also included in the provision of services.

Customer support for provision of services

The use of personal data also applies to offering you customer support as managed in the Øresund bridge toll station in a speedy and effective manner. If you have any issues at a toll station, then we can actively assist you via voice and video contact from a distance. We can also proactively contact you, such as if you linger in the toll station for some time or similarly appear to need help, then we reach out via voice and video contact to see if assistance is required. We use all the information that is available to us in our customer platform to assist you.

A case management system is also used for issues that come in to us through the customer support center so we ensure that the management of your inquiry is correct and effective.

To avoid that a vehicle incorrectly continues to be registered on a contract if the ownership of the vehicle is changed, we have a process where we check if a vehicle on an agreement has been sold, and if so, then we contact the contract owner for change of the personal data.

Web and app for provision of services

Personal data is used to provision services by Øresundsbro Konsortiet and in the best manner possible give you required service, communicate with you and inform about the service, as well as to ease your access to your account for you to keep your personal data up to date in My Account.

Payment processing and debt collections

We take payment for our services and manage financial transactions for payments and repayments. We offer you different means of payment to carry through the transactions for payment such as bizz and vehicle registration number. Depending on what type of customer you are and your choices we offer payment methods such as invoicing, credit card management, and other technical solutions. We communicate with our partners regarding payments and means of payment if you have agreed that their means of payment, such as a partner's bizz, can be used to pay for services we provide. Overdue receivables of payment are managed by payment reminders, debt collection management, and measures regarding use of the services through for example blocking the use of a bizz as means of payment.

Support for payment processing and debt collections

Photos and video material from surveillance cameras on the Øresund bridge and information from eventual technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic can be used for supporting demands for collecting payment for crossings over the bridge and handling of insurance cases and more.

We have internal controls in place to ensure that, for example, payments and vehicle-classified debiting are performed in the correct way.


We use personal data for marketing purposes, such as adapting our communication with you based on your driving pattern, your areas of interest and focus and to provide you with a relevant, straightforward and inspiring experience in relation to our communication with you. To adapt our content in the communication you see on web and app or to communicate special offers to you we need to understand your areas of interest. Therefore, we are viewing your user behavior as a form of profiling on our digital platforms. How much you drive and the time of day you drive also constitute a form of profiling to, for example, communicate suggestions in change to alternative contracts which would benefit you or give you special offers. Where you drive can also be included in profiling if you have given consent in the app or installed a certain technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic. Profiling is a process where collecting and analysis of information about you is done based on your tendencies and behavior, and in this case, profiling is used to predict what may be of interest to you by noting what information you click on or where you are travelling. Cookies on a website are a common technology to use to perform profiling.

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms

We are using personal data to uphold the IT-security, register and manage matters in the case management system as well as for internal control of vehicle classification.

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms - app and web

Personal data is collected through your use of our digital platforms. This data is used by us to optimize your user experience through customized content, and to debug, develop and improve our digital platforms. The usage can occur on the background of collection by Øresundsbro Konsortiet itself or through third-party cookies. (see cookie policy)

Statistics and analysis

Personal data is used to compile statistics and analysis regarding the use of our services, use of our digital platforms, customer satisfaction and traffic data to enable us to develop and further improve our services.

Statistics and analysis web

To improve the customer experience, give the website visitors effective and relevant information flows as well as creating a more user-friendly website, we use a visual representation of how the users navigate and act. This helps us identify where and which adjustments we need to make.


We are monitoring the Øresund bridge and our other facilities to avoid and prevent accidents, control the traffic, perform speed measurements, support emergency operations, document accidents, enable control of the traffic and get an overview of potential traffic jams at the toll station, and to secure the quality of the automated management of payment method (e.g. bizz and license plate number). Camera surveillance is a form of profiling whereby we on a large scale monitor a public location.

Surveillance for communication to speed limit offenders from a security point of view

The purpose of the monitoring is that along the Øresund bridge and our other facilities connection prevent accidents related to the specifically worst speed infringers by communicating that their behavior risks causing accidents which can damage both the facility and other persons. An accident can also temporarily close the bridge or related facilities and thereby affect the availability of the service to many individuals. With communication we wish to attain a change of behavior so that the risk of accidents is reduced. Camera surveillance and speed measurements are forms of profiling.

Cooperation with authorities

We cooperate with the authorities in accordance with laws and regulations. Photos and video material from the video surveillance cameras as well as payment transaction documentation or payment related data may be used to fulfill demands from the authorities and thereby handed over to the police, customs or other authorities on their demand and on the initiative of the Øresundsbro Konsortie.

Financial accounting and tax management

As a business we need to disclose financial results including tax management, and we produce results reporting for the company. Stated economic losses are written off when a customer's payment is not possible, and we follow up to see which customer groups account for the losses. Bookkeeping of customers' payments with related payment transactions build the supporting documentation for the result reporting, together with the payments we make to different suppliers. Payment transactions regarding all types of customers are managed, no matter if they have a contract or not with us, since we are required to account for all payment demands and payment transactions with full traceability.

We have internal controls in place to ensure that, for example, payments and vehicle-classified debiting are performed in the correct way.

Communication about safety and incidents

We wish to inform about safety-work and traffic disturbing incidents of general interest through describing text or pictures with a few individuals and vehicles due to maintenance of the bridge and facilities, special transports, arranged safety exercises, or actual safety incidents, activities at very special occasions, GDPR-cases, incident management or similar safety work within the company.

In reference to "Surveillance for communication to speed limit offenders from a security point of view "

The purpose of the monitoring is that along the Øresund Bridge and our other facilities connection prevent accidents related to the specifically worst speed infringers by communicating that their behavior risks causing accidents which can damage both the facility and other persons. An accident can also temporarily close the bridge or related facilities and thereby affect the availability of the service to many individuals. With communication we wish to attain a change of behavior so that the risk of accidents is reduced. Camera surveillance and speed measurements are forms of profiling.


The collected information about you is derived from the EU/EEA.

Provision of services / Customer support for provision of services / Web and app for provision of services

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

Cooperation partner where you have a contract, for example other issuers or operators, and supplier source for the registration of sold vehicles, as well as authorizing entity for special transports. With the use of web and app then the on-line source, such as social media or supplier of information that is publicly available be used.

If you have installed a specific technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic, then we collect information from the supplier that provides the route information.

Information which is collected from above sources can be identifiable personal data and contact information such as name, address, e-mail, bizz number and its status, country code and language, the vehicle registration number with information of recent date sold, areas of interest, route information, customer number at other issuers, passage information, and IP-number.

Payment processing and debt collections / Support for payment processing and debt collections

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

Debt collection supplier, insurance supplier, the bank contracted by a business, a lawyer in relation to debt collections case, address information service supplier, credit information service supplier. Cooperation partner where you have a contract, for example other issuers or operators. If you have installed a specific technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic, then we collect information from the supplier that provides the route information. The camera surveillance system which captures video/photo.

Information which is collected from above sources can be identifiable personal data and contact information such as name, address, location, telephone number, e-mail, personal identification number, vehicle registration number, photo/image/video, case number, debt registered at (Swedish) authority Kronofogden, Bizz number or customer number at other issuers. Specific information about moves abroad, protected identity/address, deceased/insolvent/bankruptcy/debt settlement or debt claim dispute for different reasons. Route information through a specific technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic.


When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

Meta Platforms, Inc. in relation to social media. The supplier of route information through a specific technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic.

Information which is collected from above sources can be identifiable personal data and contact information such as route information through a specific technical installation in the vehicle for distance-based management of tolls for heavy traffic, driving pattern, passage information, areas of interest.

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms / Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms app and web

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

We use OCR technology to convert a photo of an anonymous customer's vehicle registration sign to readable text in order to identify the vehicle. In the case of troubleshooting, technical support or developers within a service provider can provide us with examples of issues which may be in the format of personal information.

Information which is collected from the above sources can be identifiable personal data and contact information such as name, e-mail, contract number, customer number and similar, as well as vehicle registration number.

Statistics and analysis / Statistics and analysis web

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

No other source than from you personally.

Surveillance / Surveillance for communication to speed limit offenders from a security point of view

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

Cooperation partner where you have a contract, for example other issuers or operators. Insurance supplier, vehicle handling supplier, as well as police reports. The camera surveillance system which captures video/photo.

Information which is collected from above sources can be identifiable personal data and contact information such as name, phone number, e-mail, photo/image/video, passage information, vehicle registration number, speed of vehicle, vehicle direction, and location. Personal data found in a police report related to an incident.

Cooperation with authorities

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

The camera surveillance system which captures video/photo.

Financial accounting and tax management

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

Debt collection supplier, supplier with customer related information declared in an invoice, purchaser of iTicket, vehicle registration number as passage information.

Information which is collected from above sources can be identifiable personal data and contact information such as name, personal identification number, initials, address, phone number, fax number, customer number, case number, invoice number, bank account number, contract number, vehicle registration number, organization number/CVR-number, debt. iTicket number, passage information, receipt number, bizz number, location, photo/image/video.

Communication about safety and incidents

When we are collecting personal data from other sources than from you personally, such sources may be:

Photo supplier or image archives, vehicle register, police, interested parties or witnesses to an incident, authorizing entity for special transports, cooperation partner where you have a contract, for example other issuers or operators, and the camera surveillance system which captures video/photo.

Information which is collected from above sources can be identifiable personal data and contact information such as photo/image/video, vehicle registration number, customer number, case number, initials, bizz number, receipt number, passage information, signature, name, user ID, contract number, organization number/CVR number.


Our processing of your personal data pursuant to the description above is based upon the following legal grounds in relation to each of the below mentioned purposes:

Processing activity

Legal basis for lawful processing

Provision of services

Fulfill a contract with you

Customer support for provision of services

Legitimate interest

Web and app for provision of services

Legitimate interest

Payment processing and debt collections

Fulfill a contract with you

Support for payment processing and debt collections

Legitimate interest



Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms

Legitimate interest

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms app and web

Legitimate interest

Statistics and analysis

Legitimate interest

Statistics and analysis web



Legal obligation

TV overvågningsloven §4 og Lov om Sund&Bælt Holding

Surveillance for communication to speed limit offenders from a security point of view

Legal obligation

TV overvågningsloven §4 og Lov om Sund&Bælt Holding

Cooperation with authorities

Legal obligation

Financial accounting and tax management

Legitimate interest

Communication about safety and incidents

Legitimate interest


We may disclose your personal data to the following categories of recipients:

Processing activity

Category of recipient

Provision of services

Bizz-issuer or operator we cooperate with and suppliers to our organization (such as hosting provider, developers of the service/web/app, technical support, and service suppliers).

Customer support for provision of services

Customer research company, service suppliers.

Web and app for provision of services

Suppliers to our organization (such as hosting provider, developers of the service/web/app, technical support, and service suppliers).

Payment processing and debt collections

EasyGo and operator we cooperate with and suppliers to our organization (such as financial auditing and debt collections suppliers).

Support for payment processing and debt collections

Suppliers to our organization (such as financial auditing and service suppliers).


Suppliers to our organization (such as developers of the service/web/app, and technical support).

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms

Suppliers to our organization (such as developers of the service/web/app, technical support, and service providers).

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms app and web

Suppliers to our organization (such as hosting provider, developers of the service/web/app, technical support, and service suppliers).

Statistics and analysis

Suppliers to our organization (such as developers of the service/web/app, technical support, and service providers).

Statistics and analysis web

Suppliers to our organization (such as hosting provider, developers of the service/web/app, technical support, and service suppliers).

Surveillance, including speed measurement

Suppliers to our organization (such as service suppliers within insurance management), and authorities with the legal basis for lawful processing, including the Danish Police.

Surveillance for communication to speed limit offenders from a security point of view

Authorities with the legal basis for lawful processing.

Cooperation with authorities

Authorities with the legal basis for lawful processing.

Financial accounting and tax management

Suppliers to our organization (such as financial auditing and service suppliers), and authorities with the legal basis for lawful processing.

Communication about safety and incidents

Suppliers to our organization (such as service suppliers).


Øresundsbro Konsortiet can transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA through cooperation with global service providers and partners who after our approval may be given access to our systems. In case personal data via access to our systems is transferred to countries outside the EU/EEA, we will ensure that such transfer is made in a secure way and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Øresundsbro Konsortiet may for example use standard data protection clauses (the so called ”Standard Contractual Clauses”) which have been adopted by the Commission, the established Data Protection Framework which the part is adherent to, or other certification mechanism.


We store and retain your personal data that consists of:

Processing activity

Storage limitation

Provision of services

1 year from the point when you end your relationship with Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S

Customer support for provision of services

1 year from the point when you end your relationship with Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S

Web and app for provision of services

1 year from the point when you end your relationship with Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S

Payment processing and debt collections

7 + current year from last transaction date in accordance with applicable (Swedish) legislation.

Support for payment processing and debt collections

3 years from the last case management in accordance with the period for objection/complaint.


1 year from the point when you end your relationship with Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms

3 months or less

Exception: cases related to debt management is stored 1 year

Optimizing the user experience on our digital platforms app and web

1 year or less – see cookie policy

Statistics and analysis

1 year from the point when you end your relationship with Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S

Statistics and analysis web

1 year or less – see cookie policy


90 days

Exception: If it becomes an insurance issue then 3 years from the last case management in accordance with the period for objection/ complaint.

Surveillance for communication to speed limit offenders from a security point of view

90 days

Exception: If it becomes an issue then 6 months from the last case management.

Cooperation with authorities

Video/photo material: 90 days

Transaction documentation: 7 + current year from last transaction date in accordance with applicable (Swedish) legislation.

Financial accounting and tax management

7 + current year from last transaction date in accordance with applicable (Swedish) legislation.

Communication about safety and incidents

1 year from the point when you end your relationship with Øresundsbro Konsortiet I/S



You are always entitled to:

  • Request rectification of your personal data;

  • Request to access to your personal data, for example information in the format of a register extract copy;

  • Object to processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes; and

  • Withdraw your consent if our processing of your personal data is based on your consent. However, the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the processing of personal data that has been performed prior to your withdrawal of your consent.

  • You have the right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority, such as Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten or Datatilsynet;

Under certain circumstances, which are set out more in detail in applicable data protection legislation, you are also entitled to:

  • Object to processing of personal data and to obtain restriction of the processing of your personal data;

  • Request that we delete your personal data; and

  • Receive the personal data concerning you and which you have provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability).

You may exercise your rights by: logging in to My Account or mailing, calling or by contacting our Customer Service Center on Lernacken (Malmö). You can also fill in a contact form on our website.



If you have any questions regarding this personal data policy or our processing of your personal data, please contact any of our Customer Service Center on Lernacken or contact us via mail or e-mail at the address stated in the beginning of this personal data policy.

Should you be dissatisfied with our processing of your personal data, please let us know, and we will do our best to respond to your complaints. Your integrity is very important to us, and we always strive to protect and secure your personal data in the best possible way. However, should you feel that we fail in this ambition, please note that you are also entitled to lodge a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Sw. Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten) or the Danish Data Protection Agency (Da. Datatilsynet): 

Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten (Sweden) 

Datatilsynet (Denmark)

 Last update: November 2024