Prices for ØresundCOMMUTER
An annual fee of 365 DKK for ØresundCOMMUTER will be added. The prices refer to single trips every calendar month. The prices are stated in DKK, including 25% VAT.
Prices for ØresundCOMMUTER+
ØresundCOMMUTER+ is an upgrade to ØresundCOMMUTER. An annual fee for ØresundCOMMUTER of 365 DKK will be added. The prices are stated in DKK, including 25% VAT.
Prices for ØresundCOMMUTER Business
An annual fee of 292 DKK for ØresundCOMMUTER will be added. The prices refer to single trips every calendar month. The prices are stated in DKK, excluding VAT.
BuyGo to ØresundCOMMUTER businessPrices for ØresundCOMMUTER+ Business
ØresundCOMMUTER+ is an upgrade of ØresundCOMMUTER. An annual fee for ØresundCOMMUTER of 292 DKK will be added. The prices are stated in DKK, excluding VAT.
Go to ØresundCOMMUTER+ businessFrequently Asked Questions and Answers about Commuting Across the Øresund Bridge
How much does it cost to commute from Sweden to Denmark?
The price for commuting from Sweden to Denmark depends on the vehicle you drive. The price is also determined by whether you have a discount contract (ØresundGO, ØresundCOMMUTER or ØresundCOMMUTER+) with the Øresund bridge.
Which contract should I choose when commuting across the Øresund bridge?
If you commute over the Øresund bridge and make more than 16 single trips per month, we recommend the ØresundCOMMUTER. If you want an unlimited number of trips, you should instead choose ØresundCOMMUTER+.