Safety on the bridge
Status of the bridge
You are never alone
On Øresundsbron you are never alone, neither up on the bridge nor down in the tunnel. The traffic is monitored around the clock by specialist staff. The monitoring takes place both manually through cameras and automatically via a series of trackers and sensors on the entire connection. On this page, we have gathered information about the measures we have taken to ensure a safe journey, what you as a user of Øresundsbron can do yourself, and how you should behave in the event of an accident.

Refuel or charge your vehicle
Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank or power in the battery.

Follow the instructions
Always follow the instructions on the signs.

Orient yourself
Notice the location of emergency telephones and emergency exits.

Video surveillance
The connection is video monitored for safety reasons.

Drive safely on the connection
Listen to the radio. There are 3 different FM frequencies where the Traffic Center broadcasts traffic announcements in the event of accidents and/or fire in the tunnel. In the event of a fire, information about evacuation is issued in Danish, Swedish and English. This applies to the following FM frequencies: 102.0, 96.5 and 93.9.
The speed limit on the bridge is 110 km/h and 90 km/h in the tunnel. The police regularly carry out a speed limit control on all parts of the bridge.
Keep a distance of at least 2 seconds from the car in front. At the start and center of the tunnel, “sergeant stripes” are painted, and there must be two stripes between you and another vehicle. The emergency doors of the tunnel are placed almost 90 meters apart and can be used to judge the distance. On the bridge, the mile markers, which are sitting with a distance of 100-meter intervals, can be used to judge the distance.
In case of breakdown or accidents
If your car breaks down
On the bridge
Drive into the emergency lane on the right and switch on the hazard warning lights.
Put on your yellow safety vest (always have it ready in the driver’s compartment).
If you are in the emergency lane, go to safety at least 50 meters in front of the car (do NOT try to force the guardrail as you are on a bridge). Exercise caution.
If you pass an emergency staircase, go to safety on the landing.
Call Øresundsbrons Traffic Center on +46 40 676 6770 / +45 3341 6770 or call the emergency center on 112.
Follow the instructions and wait for help.
In the tunnel
Drive into the right-hand side and switch on the hazard warning lights.
Put on your yellow safety vest (always have it ready in the driver’s compartment).
Leave the car and walk forward to the nearest emergency telephone or call the emergency center on 112.
When you pick up the emergency telephone, you are in direct contact with the police. Wait by the phone.
Help is on the way to transport you and your car to a safe place.
In the event of an accident
On the bridge
Drive into the emergency lane on the right and switch on the hazard warning lights.
Put on your yellow safety vest (always have it ready in the driver’s compartment).
If you are in the emergency lane, go to safety at least 50 meters in front of the car (do NOT try to force the guardrail as you are on a bridge). Exercise caution.
If you pass an emergency staircase, go to safety on the landing.
Call the emergency center on 112 - or Øresundsbrons Traffic Center on +46 40 676 6770 / +45 3341 6770
Follow the instructions and wait for help.
In the tunnel
Drive into the right-hand side, switch on the hazard lights switch off the engine and leave the car.
Put on your yellow safety vest (always have it ready in the driver’s compartment).
Give first aid if necessary.
Walk to the nearest emergency telephone or call the emergency center via 112 on your mobile phone.
When you pick up the emergency telephone, you are in direct contact with the police.
Wait for help.
In the event of fire
On the bridge
If your vehicle or another vehicle catches fire, drive into the emergency lane on the right-hand side if possible.
Put on your yellow safety vest (always have it ready in the driver’s compartment).
If you are in the emergency lane, go to safety at least 50 meters in front of the car (do NOT try to force the guardrail as you are on a bridge). Exercise caution.
If you pass an emergency staircase, go to safety on the landing.
Call Øresundsbrons Traffic Center on +46 40 676 6770 / +45 3341 6770 or call the emergency center on 112.
Follow the instructions and wait for help.
In the tunnel
If your vehicle or another vehicle catches fire, drive out of the tunnel if possible. If this is not possible, drive into the right-hand side, switch off the engine and leave the car immediately. Do not lock the car.
Walk to the nearest emergency telephone or call the emergency center via 112 on your mobile phone.
When you pick up the emergency telephone, you are in direct contact with the police.
If possible, extinguish the fire with a powder extinguisher (found in the emergency station).
Give first aid if necessary.
Leave the tunnel via the nearest emergency exit.
Emergency telephones and emergency exits
Emergency telephones have been installed in the tunnel. As soon as you lift the handset, you will be in touch with the alarm centre. The Øresund Bridge’s traffic centre will be listening to the call so they can assess whether traffic needs to be redirected. There is 88m between the emergency telephones located on the right wall in the so-called emergency panels, which also contain a fire extinguisher and a fire alarm.
On the rest of the link, there are signs that show the number to ring if help is required.
Opposite the emergency panels, you will find emergency exits via stainless steel doors (in the rail tunnel, the doors are green), which are to be used in the event of a fire or major accident. The doors lead into an evacuation tunnel, which runs parallel with the motorway. On the bridge, there are corresponding emergency stairs, which link the two bridge decks.
If you experience difficulties on the bridge, e.g. engine failure or a flat tire, we ask you to contact the police or roadside assistance
On the Øresund Bridge, we have defibrillators in the buildings on both sides of the toll station. Customer assistants are all trained in operating the defibrillators so you are in good hands should they be required.
Water leaks in the Øresund tunnel are harmless and completely normal
Natural movement in the tunnel due to temperature fluctuations occasionally create minor water leaks in the Øresund tunnel. As it is very difficult to have a completely watertight tunnel, the tunnel is therefore designed to withstand minor leaks, which are harmless.